Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hindu view of creation - SHrSHTi

I have been reading a wonderful document on Purusha Suktam with meanings and found this concept (below) that I found very refreshing.  All the more,  this is completely in alignment with nature and different from other religion that we hear nowadays who advocate suicide-terrorism with the belief that they will reach a 'paradise' world!!

According to the author of this document, the underlying theme of the Hindu view is that it is not creation at all!  It is SHriSHTi in Sanksrit which means out-pouring. It is an expansion or transformation.   It is not that GOD created everything,  but GOD is everything!   Only GOD IS!  It is in different forms and types, but it is all GOD!  This universe is part of the Divine. There is no separation between the Creator and the creation!  All are ONE!  Think,  as Gurudev Sw. Chinmayananda used to say.

My Pranams to whoever wrote this document and revealed this concept. Hari Om.

Yoga Vasishta-1

Hari Om.  I am reading Yoga Vasishta and will try to write here the key points and my understanding.  The intention is to read and contemplate ('mananam' ) on the deeper meanings of the lines and absorb it into us as part of our daily life.  So only a few lines are read & written here at a time.

Yoga Vasishta, written by Sage Valmiki, is the spiritual teaching to Lord Rama by his Guru Vasishta.  The main theme of the teaching is that our association and identification with the world and external objects is a dream that the soul must awake from.  It will then realize its true nature.    The key step for this is to destroy our ego or I-ness!  Extinction of all psychological conditioning constitutes liberation or Moksha.  When all the desires are destroyed and the mind is kept controlled and subdued, we reach a state of bliss and freedom with no psychological restrictions.   This is done by controlling the mind and the resulting thoughts that keeps longing for & on external objects.  An example in modern day world is our usage of a car.  We use our car (or any automobile) specifically for a journey only. Before and after the journey, the car is kept shut off and in the garage. We do not want use the car to live or as a dining place or bedroom!   We do not want our mind to dwell on the car all the time and be addicted to it! (some folks are like that and keep cleaning and updating their car all the time!).  Similarly, realize that you are different from your mind or body.  You are the subject  - the Atman or the supreme power.  The BMI (body, mind, intellect) are all objects separate from you.  Use your mind ONLY as and when needed.  At other times, END the mind and be in the pure awareness of the supreme Self or Divine!   When this illusory I-ness or ego perishes, the end of the thoughts to the Maya is called Moksha.  Hari Om.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Yoga Vasishta

Hari Om. I Have started reading Vasishta Yoga written by Valmiki, which is said to be the spiritual teachings of sage Vasishta to Lord Rama.
Yoga Vasishta is the essence of all the Hindu Philosophical texts – Bhagawad Gita, Vedas and Upanishads.
The nature of the ParaBrahma, Supreme God consciousness and the methods to attain Self Realization are vividly described in this book.
"This Atman (Eternal Self) is certainly different from the body, senses, mind, and prana. It is blissful, supreme, non-dual, permanent, formless, sinless, and pure. The moment this realization comes to you, you are liberated."
I will post the key teachings from this sacred book, as I read and understand them. Hari Om.

Om: Sound of the universe.

Hari Om.  Many centuries ago, Our Rishis discovered the original sound of the universe . They defined it as the 'Pranava mantra', the OM.
Watch this amazing 3 min video clipping that shows how NASA through their research have confirmed that the Hindu Pranava mantra 'Om' aligns with the sound of the sun travelling as bio-energy!