Saturday, March 25, 2017

It is all movie projections !

A movie is nothing but a powerful light projected onto a white screen through a colorful film.  Whatever is depicted in the film is shown in the screen. For the viewers in the dark hall,  the screen projections are their world at that time. If the scene is a calm picturesque village where all are happy, the world is happy.  If it is a scary scene, the world is dangerous etc.   However when the viewers take a break and realize all those are projections only, their perceptions of the world also changes.  They realize it has always been projections only.  The powerful light is the Unique Supreme Power (USP - Consciousness, Brahman) that is beaming all the time.  The film is our BMI (Body-Mind-Intellect) projections  of the world outside.  Remove that film (BMI projections) and you see only the single source of powerful light (Consciousness) that is visible everywhere (screen).  What remains at that time is Consciousness only.  Where the equipment is removed, the objects that are perceived through the equipment are also removed.   

Just as in the above example, Bhagawan Adi Shankara in Vivekachoodamani says "In that sense, the scriptures say that the Atman , the Self in you is Brahman, the Reality behind the whole universe."

Hari Om.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Be at a higher plane!

Our scriptures say that the world is only a 'Maya' due to the illusion of plurality which is unreal.  Behind the plurality, there is one single unchanged substratum which is the Brahman. Plurality is only the projection of BMI (body, mind and intellect).  In deep sleep, the BMI is temporarily shut down so there is no plurality.  However it is all ignorance during deep sleep, so no realization at that time.  The real Brahma Jnanam is the awareness (self-realization) with BMI active and working.

It is like making a journey to reach a certain place.  If travelling via road or rail, there is progress in the journey, but it is not smooth.  There will be movements, jerks, stops etc, that is felt on the trip.  If we are to avoid that, we need to be at a higher level.  If we travel at a higher level than the ground - for instance, by a helicopter, the journey will be a little more smoother than by road or rail.   If we go still higher - say a jumbo jet 747 plane at a much higher altitude,  it will be way smoother and faster.  We will not even realize the distance covered though we are progressing at a high speed. There may be turbulence once a while, but that is to make us aware of our constraints and continue our efforts for a smooth ride.

In the same thought,  let us raise ourselves to a higher plane of consciousness above the BMI layers - we will not feel the plurality and changes and our life path will be much smoother.

Hari Om.