Monday, March 30, 2020

Inspiring quotes for the challenging time!

Really creative and inspiring aphorisms in the article from CNN below. These quotes have deeper meanings and it is worth understanding and reflecting on each of them.
Of all the 30 or so quoted, my favorite are the below and I think they are very relevant to today's world situation:
1. Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie.
2. Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean. - - German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
3. This too shall pass - Persian poet Rumi
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are the kinds of pithy, inspiring phrases and quotes that, historically speaking, have the power to steady us through challenging times. War. Depression.  Call them mantras, maxims or even memes -- they get repeated and recycled over the years, sometimes over the millennia, because they contain powerful jolts of easily accessible truth, insight and perspective.


Hari Om.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pranayaama, Meditation & say Namaste.

Hari Om.
The age old Indian tradition of deep breathing (pranayama), meditations is very needed to keep ourselves intact in the current day scenario. Of course Namaste instead of handshake also greatly aids the control of the virus situation.

LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTHU: Let the entire world remain well and peaceful.
Read ahead- Wonderful advice from Dr. Deepa Chopra.

Excellent advice from Dr. Deepak Chopra

Hari Om.
Excellent advice and info by Dr. Chopra. He suggests these valuable info to keep ourselves secure and healthy in this crisis. As per Dr. Chopra, 'you can personally choose right now to reduce its threat, if you consciously make that choice' as below.
1) Follow what the experts in disease control advise.
2) Take up meditation or return to it if you have lapsed. Your goal is to connect with your deeper awareness, the place where self-control and security comes from.
3) Don't get glued to news all the time; remain centered in yourself.
4) Be vigilant on two other fronts: sleep and stress. Good, sound sleep maintains homeostasis and prevents a cascade of imbalances that can occur in hormones.
5) Reduce Stress through Pranayama.
6) Follow healthy diet.

LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTHU: Let the entire world remain well and peaceful.

Read the article from Dr. Chopra below.

Think of Lord Krishna protecting people under the Govardhanagiri hill..

Hari Om.
That was the first lock down for 7 days and 7 nights, under Govardhanagiri hill...but they kept Krishna in the centre and they were happy chanting and dancing. That is what is needed now. Keep HIM & Country in your mind.

Mind you! They did not have their essential services on....(We have it!).🙌🏻😊🙏🏻 Jai Sri Krishna!!!


LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTHU: Let the entire world remain well and peaceful.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Experiment to raise to Godhood level

The experiment in which  a man is trying to uncover the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL in him from a limited individuality; an ordinary mortal is trying to become IMMORTAL;  the finite is trying to discover the INFINITE in him;    this effort to raise to a GODHOOD level from an ordinary human is the greatest experiment in the history.  It has been tried out by ardent followers of many religions across the world and it still continues.
The eastern religions, especially Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) has made a remarkable contribution to this experiment over ages.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

MantraS for peace and welfare.. in these challenging times.

In these challenging and difficult times when we are hearing only not-so-good news, the power and peace from chanting of Mantras and other prayers becomes apparent. All prayers are appropriate and effective, as long as we have the belief and sincierity in their chanting. The most common I hear nowadays is the Maha Mrintyunjaya Mantra given below, which is very powerful.

Om Try-Ambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pusstti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-[A]mrtaat ||

1: Om, We Worship the Tryambaka (the Three-Eyed One),
2: Who is Fragrant (as the Spiritual Essence), Increasing the Nourishment (of our Spiritual Core);
3: From these many Bondages (of Samsara) similar to Cucumbers (tied to their Creepers),
4: May I be Liberted from Death (Attachment to Perishable Things), So that I am not separated from the perception of Immortality (Immortal Essence pervading everywhere).

At the end of the prayers, for the overall welfare and speedy recovery of this world, please add the chanting of verses below 3 times each.  These verses are most appropriate in the current situation.

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

1: Om, May All be Happy,
2: May All be Free from Illness.
3: May All See what is Auspicious,
4: May no one Suffer.
5: Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu. On Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthihi.

Hari Om.