Saturday, March 28, 2020

Excellent advice from Dr. Deepak Chopra

Hari Om.
Excellent advice and info by Dr. Chopra. He suggests these valuable info to keep ourselves secure and healthy in this crisis. As per Dr. Chopra, 'you can personally choose right now to reduce its threat, if you consciously make that choice' as below.
1) Follow what the experts in disease control advise.
2) Take up meditation or return to it if you have lapsed. Your goal is to connect with your deeper awareness, the place where self-control and security comes from.
3) Don't get glued to news all the time; remain centered in yourself.
4) Be vigilant on two other fronts: sleep and stress. Good, sound sleep maintains homeostasis and prevents a cascade of imbalances that can occur in hormones.
5) Reduce Stress through Pranayama.
6) Follow healthy diet.

LOKA SAMASTHA SUKHINO BHAVANTHU: Let the entire world remain well and peaceful.

Read the article from Dr. Chopra below.

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