Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The categories of Joys - as per Vedas

Namaste.  I am reading commentaries on Taittriya Upanishad by Sw. Chinamayananda and read the wonderful categorization of the concept of 'joy'  as defined by Vedas in it. Reproducing below the explanations as given by Gurudev Chinmayananda in Section V  of Brahmananda Valli in Taittriya Upanishad .

Priyam (joy)  The kind of happiness or joy  experienced when an individual is mentally contemplating  a sense object.

Moda (rejoicing):  When the object of happiness (or love) is very near and in vicinity to the individual, it is more subtler and greater than priyam.  It is rejoicing or moda.

Pramoda (bliss):  When the individual actually comes to indulge in the enjoyment of the object, the joy arising out of this actual experiencing is called pramoda or bliss.

Hari Om.