Thursday, December 24, 2009

Vedanta is science and art !

The term 'Vedanta' in Sanskrit means 'the ending (summary) of the Vedas' . The Vedas are probably the oldest and the most exhaustive philosophical writings known to mankind, dating to more than 3000 years old. There are 4 texts of Vedas written - Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, and all the four proclaim the universality of the One Supreme Power (OSP) driving this entire cosmos, variously known as 'Brahman' or 'Atman' in Vedanta. This concept of OSP is the USP (unique spiritual point !) of Vedas !! I have not known of any other faith or religion in this world which profess such equality in all living beings .

The Vedas and their summaries (Vedanta or Upanishads) if understood and practiced properly provide a clear and ideal path for improving the standard of life of all humans, applicable to people from all nationalities and cultures irrespective of the differences in religious faiths followed. It does not preach dedication and surrender to any particular God or Prophet. This is what makes it a science and probably an art too of the highest levels of philosophical thoughts in this planet. I would tend to call it an 'artistic science' of philosophy. It is a science as it provides clear principles and paths to attaining self realization. It is an art too as there are many paths defined depending on the nature of the individual. I would provide reasons on why I see it as an artistic-science in my postings later.

Of course, Vedas are part of the scriptures of the ancient and still vibrant and active religion of 'Sanathana Dharma' also popularly called Hinduism. People may have questions on the pantheon of Gods represented in Hinduism and how Vedas do not preach dedication to any particular religious belief or God. My answer is that Vedanta is a set of spiritual theories whereas Hindu religion (as other religions) is philosophy combined with rituals and practices.

More on religion in my next posting.
Hari Om.

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