Sunday, October 4, 2020

Devas, Asuras and Rakshas of the world!

In the 15th chapter of BG, Sw. Chinmayananda describes the 5 types of people based on their 'Gunas' as below:

  • Devas: People who are nobler in their thoughts, behaviour and actions.  They are mostly of Sattvic nature and look for goodness in all including themselves. Hopefully most of the humans in the world are 'supposed' to be of this type - that's probably why our scriptures talk of 33 koti (crore) types of Devas, the population of the world at that time (it has increased multifold now - so not sure if all are 'devas' now! 😊)
  • Asuras: Those who are 'diabolically fallen' and think of working and gaining materialistic comforts and returns all the time.  They are mostly of Rajasic guna (rajoguna).  I think many people in business and politics in the in the world currently are of this type or Yakshas (given below) or combination of both.
  • Rakshasas: Incorrigibly indifferent.  They are Tamasic guna and considered to be pleasure seeking and lazy.    Many  are well educated and know the facts and truths of life, but do not care or believe in it. They look for quick and easy wins and comforts of life.  Ravana is said to be of this type who was a knowledgeable man and a Shiva bhakta, but used his knowledge for unethical purposes.  Sakshara (sa-akshara) in Samskritam means "educated and well behaved". If sounded reverse, it becomes Rakshasa! 
  • Yakshas: Yakshas are said to be family of Kubera who is considered as the richest person in our mythology. They are the group who are sought after by those who are highly materialistic and look for name and fame.
  • Pretas: Supposed to be our ancestors who are at the lowest level of the ladder in terms of their passage to other worlds as per Hindu mythology. THey have just left the human form but their human vasanas still remain with them in the bhouthika levels (Sthula sarira).

Hari Om.

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