Saturday, October 17, 2020

Satvik Guna is the default in us

Namaste.  We have learnt all human beings are classified in three categories of Gunas (our nature)  - Satvik (Spiritual), Rajasic (materialistically active) and Tamasic (indolent and lazy).  By personality types, most people are a combination of these three gunas and it may even vary depending on the time and mood of the day.  

For instance,  the Satvik guna may be more visible in the early mornings when the mind is alert and sharp. This is the time of spiritual activities such as meditation, yoga etc.  or educational work such as reading, practicing etc.  That's why our ancient scriptures talk about 'Brahma muhurtham' which is the most ideal time for productive work and starts a couple of hours prior to sunrise.  The Rajasic and Tamasic gunas become predominant over the period of the day. Typically people are very active in their profession or business during the day when Rajas is active and they become tired and sleepy towards the end of the day when Tamas takes over our personality. 

However,  Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says that Satvik guna is our inherent default nature.  Humans are born with Satvik nature and as they grow, the other gunas get attached due to vasanas (both existing and new) and work nature.  That's probably why it is said babies are godly in nature as they do not exhibit other tendencies and gunas.   However, the advantage of this condition is that reverting back to Satvik should be easier for all of us as it is our default nature.  We do not need to acquire Satvikata, as it is in us already, but covered by other gunas over and above it. We only need to remove those Rajasic and Tamasic nature from us.  

The famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo is quoted as saying "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. "   He said he just removed the un-necessary parts (Rajasic & Tamasic ?) from the stone block to create those wonderful work!  

So let us all work to restrict and reduce the Rajasic and Tamasic gunas in us.  As long as we are in human form, we may not be able to eliminate those - but we need to use them only as needed. Rest of the time, we should strive to be in Satvik guna all the time.  Sw. Chinmayananda says that is indicated by the statement 'Om Tat Sat' which means that Supreme (Brahman) is the only truth (default) in all.  Rest are artificial additions!

Hari Om.

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